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Young Professional
Ambassadors Program

IEEE EMC-S Young Professional Ambassadors

The objective of this program is to inspire and inform EMC-S Young Professionals on a variety of topics, both technical and non-technical, to enhance their interest and engagement in the field of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal Integrity and Power Integrity, by delivering talks at various chapters/sections “on-demand” virtually (or in-person at the Ambassador’s local Chapter if desired).

All new Young Professional Ambassadors are required to give at least one lecture during the tenure of one year. The call for candidates will open once a year and Ambassadors are selected for a term of 1 year, with possible extension to a second year. Self-nominations are encouraged. The Call for YP Ambassador Nominations will occur each year at the annual IEEE EMC+SIPI Symposium.

Feeling inspired? For more information on Eligibility, the Nomination Package requirements and the Selection Criteria, please visit the Call for YP Ambassadors webpage below:

Please submit your questions about this program to:

Patrick DeRoy, Chair, IEEE EMC-S Young Professionals Ambassador Program,
