Guidelines for DL Speakers and Funding Support
Distinguished Lecturers follow the below guidelines for travel support and confirming their engagement with the local chapters and hosts.
- EMC Society chapter or related organization will contact you for in-person DL presentations. Alternatively, you can pro-actively indicate your willingness to deliver DL talks at a particular chapter, by directly contacting the EMCS Chapter Chairs. Virtual talks are also strongly encouraged.
- Discuss in advance with the chapter host – what their dissemination plans are. How will they be advertising your talk? In a newsletter, on a website, through intra-company email lists? The goal of the DL program is to be as “efficient” as possible, that is, to get as many people in the audience so that the cost/attendee is as low as possible. Besides, it can be fun to speak in front of large groups!
- Plan and Schedule the talk as far in advance as possible, to take advantage of cost of the travel tickets are kept reasonable. Please keep track of any current restriction by IEEE for DL related travels. Also strictly follow the prevailing IEEE or country specific travel restrictions/guidelines.
- Please email the DL Chair for formal approval for your trip by filling the “IEEE Volunteer Member Travel Authorization (VMTA) Form” for obtaining an Approval for your Travel.
- For DL talks in US (or DL travel within a continent), a single trip budget is limited to US$1500. For Inter-continental travels this budget is allowed up to US$2000. Generally, 3 DL trips are allowed for each DL subject to the availability of the DL budget (additional trips may also be allowed based on the availability of the DL budge).
- It is strongly encouraged to seek and arrange multiple chapter visits in the same trip. Since the major cost is often the airline ticket, particularly for longer routes, to maximize the benefit in cost/attendee, it is strongly recommended to try for multiple chapter visits in the same trip. In case of multiple chapter visits in the same trip, reasonable additional amounts to the above indicated limits can be provided so as to handle the additional costs arising due to the multiple talks. Please feel free to check with the DL chair by appropriately filling and submitting the VMTA Form.
- EMCS DLP program has a limited budget to be shared among the 8 DL speakers for their DL travels. While approving the travels, DL chair will try to balance the budget among the speakers and chapter-locations. The DL visits are approved on a first come first serve basis and hence you are strongly encouraged to start preparing early instead of keep waiting for an invitation till late in the year.
- No honorarium of any form is to be received for DL talks.
- Membership in the EMC Society’s Distinguished Lecturer program shall not be used in the advertising of products or [consulting] services, nor for any non-approved presentations such as product or training seminars or trade shows. Distinguished Lecturers may not, as part of any DLP presentation, advertise, market, or offer for sale, any commercial product or service.